Nette is 3ʳᵈ most popular framework
In the survey Best PHP Framework for 2015 organized by the magazine SitePoint Nette takes amazing 3rd place. Thank you for your votes! I am pleased that the users are satisfied with Nette.
In the survey Best PHP Framework for 2015 organized by the magazine SitePoint Nette takes amazing 3rd place. Thank you for your votes! I am pleased that the users are satisfied with Nette.
One of the most common challenges in PHP application development is proper code organization. Where should presenters go? Where should individual classes be located? And how to ensure the project structure grows naturally with its development?
Nette Database has finally received what it has long deserved—a documentation worthy of its potential. The completely rewritten text not only describes all the functions in detail but also opens developers’ eyes to the security of database operations.
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