Nette Magazine 9/2017
Support for PHP 7.2 is here!
For all who don't know about a new type of versioning of Nette Framework 2.4, there is no planned 2.4.x version. All packages have their maintenance version, but Framework doesn’t have. There is build from (2017–08–29) with release notes, that is fully compatible with incoming PHP version 7.2

We spent summer together at an extraordinary meeting Nette Camp and two excursions to Czech breweries. Definitely follow up on the events next year. It's an interesting way to meet in an offline world. In September, the 90th anniversary Last Saturday is waiting for us.
In a Nutshell
Contribute — Minimalistic integration of Symfony/Console to Nette application contributte/console
Nextras — datagrid v 3.0.0rc nextras/datagrid/releases/tag/v3.0.0-rc2
Nextras — migration v3.0.5 & v3.1rc nextras/migrations/releases/tag/v3.0.5
PeckaDesign — asynchronous components
Nas — a component for nested selectbox NasExt/DependentSelectBox
In Conclusion
Thanks to partner of edition:
If you have ideas about how to improve our next edition, please let me know. Have I forgotten something? Make sure to email me and we will include it in the next edition. We are still looking for partners who wish to address the growing community interested in our news.
Honza Cerny
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