Nette Magazine #4
New Nette 2.4 is out
After a summer break, here comes a whole heap of news and info about what has been going on and what is in the picture. The hottest piece of news is the new version of Nette Framework 2.4. A complex overview of changes made to the framework, including all novelties related to versioning, can be found on the release webpage:…2-4-released. In short, in the future, only respective packages will be versioned (such as the release described here:…4-2016-07-31). Other big changes that should be mentioned is Nette/Object replacement with traits, see David's talk from Hradec Králové:… and the fact the “guts” of Latte, a template system, have been rewritten (a video from Plzeň will be published on YouTube soon). Here is also a post bringing attention to what you need to be careful about when migrating:…nette-2-4-rc. If you're still unsure whether you should use the latest version of Nette Framework or not, why don't you read a short post from the Slevomat boys about changing to 2.4:…122388672512, there are more and more companies following the example. In case you run on 2.4 too, tweet with hashtag #nettefw.

Nette Camp
A four-day event filled with Nette and beer took place in a quaint village in Czech Paradise and judging from the reactions, it was a hit. Speaking on behalf of organizers, we have learned yet a lot and let's hope it will be for the benefit of future events. You can expect Nette Camp 2017 again in the last two weeks of August. As a surprise, we migrated to a new portal:
Following several meetings with Tomáš Votruba, the Czech Symfony community care-taker, we put our heads together and we are starting to build a framework nonspecific php community. More news to be expected on twitter @pehapkari. Follow us for what's hot in the Czech php world.
In a Nutshell
Nextras & Kdyby
Compatible extensions releases go hand in hand with the release of the new Nette Framework version. Most packages are compatible with Nette 2.4 already, if sometimes in @dev versions for now. We are still waiting for some stable releases.
Petr Knap from Netpromotion released a simple PHP profiler with a Tracy extension:…ion/profiler
Nette and Webpack
Jirka Pudil wrote an article on how to interlink these two platforms easily:…with-webpack
In Conclusion
If you have ideas about how to improve our next edition, please let me know. Have I forgotten something? Make sure to email me and we will include it in the next edition. We are still looking for partners who wish to address the growing community interested in our news.
Honza Cerny
P.S.: David released a new framework version ready to support php 7.1 while I was writing my intro:…4-2016-09-30
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