How to use Doctrine ORM with Nette Framework
In this article, I'll try to provide you step by step guide, how to use Doctrine ORM with Nette FW. Most recommended Doctrine integration to Nette is called Nettrine, it's maintained by the contributte team.
Console extension
So, first things first, for proper Doctrine usage we'll need symfony/console,
for console commands, you can install nette integration via composer,
composer require contributte/console
and then register extension in
the main neon config file.
console: Contributte\Console\DI\ConsoleExtension(%consoleMode%)
You also need create bin directory and console file in that directory with this content and add executable permission to the console file.
Doctrine extensions
We'll need to install only one more extension, because dbal, cache and
annotations are installed automatically as dependencies
composer require nettrine/orm
After successful installation we need to register those extensions in the
neon configuration, best way is to create new file doctrine.neon
(where you should also have local.neon
file which is included into
Bootstrap class) in configuration folder and include it to the main neon file
(probably config.neon or common.neon) by adding this to the end of
the file.
- doctrine.neon
Now we need to register and configure doctrine extensions, here is some
example of configured doctrine.neon
file with pdo_mysql driver.
# Use it only if you are using annotations instead of php8 attributes
# doctrine.annotations: Nettrine\Annotations\DI\AnnotationsExtension
doctrine.dbal: Nettrine\DBAL\DI\DbalExtension
doctrine.dbal.console: Nettrine\DBAL\DI\DbalConsoleExtension
doctrine.orm: Nettrine\ORM\DI\OrmExtension
doctrine.orm.attributes: Nettrine\ORM\DI\OrmAttributesExtension
nettrine.orm.cache: Nettrine\ORM\DI\OrmCacheExtension
# Use it only if you are using annotations instead of php8 attributes
# doctrine.orm.annotations: Nettrine\ORM\DI\OrmAnnotationsExtension
doctrine.orm.console: Nettrine\ORM\DI\OrmConsoleExtension
doctrine.cache: Nettrine\Cache\DI\CacheExtension
doctrine.orm.attributes: # If you still use annotations, change to doctrine.orm.annotations
App\Model: %appDir%/Model # The root folder where to start search for entities
panel: %debugMode%
driver: pdo_mysql
user: %doctrine.user%
password: %doctrine.password%
dbname: %doctrine.dbname%
After that, last thing we need is to add database credentials into our
host: localhost
user: user
password: password
dbname: test
You can now create entities and update database schema using command
bin/console orm:schema-tool:update --dump-sql --force
This is just an quick example, if you need more advanced configuration, caching options, migrations, custom functions or column types, visit Nettrine Documentation.
Further reading
- Write Safer Code with the New Nette Database Documentation
- How to pass app directory paths to services
- Nette Vite – using Nette with Vite for rapid local development
- One line in configuration will speed up your Nette application. How is that possible?
- How is Nette Versioned in the Post-Monolithic Era?
- Elegant Presenter Structuring
nieje tam chyba v
– app/Model # The root folder where to start search for entities
to hádže errory a vyžaduje mať nastavený mapping
#2 account23 Hi, I didn't noticed the comment, it's fixed, there was change in config structure of the nettrine dbal, it's now mapping with namespaces, not paths
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