News in Nette Security 3.1
You'll be amazed at the horizons of this new version, and how easy it is to build web applications that don't need a session.

Before we look at the main news, we must say that Nette is gradually leaving
the prefix I
in the interface names, so it disappears from the
names IAuthenticator
, IAuthorizator
, IRole
, IUserStorage
. Also
class Identity
was renamed to SimpleIdentity
Of course, the original names still work as aliases.
It's not always just about renaming. For example
is a completely newly designed
interface. Also Nette\Security\Authenticator
differs slightly from
in that the name and password (and any other
parameters) are not passed in the array, but as regular parameters:
class Authenticator implements Nette\Security\Authenticator
public function authenticate(string $username, string $password): SimpleIdentity
Storage for Logged User
Nette maintains two basic information about the user: whether he is logged in
and his identity as an object implementing the interface
. This information is usually stored in a
session. Which you can easily and fundamentally influence in Nette Security
3.1. You will soon find out what it is all for.
Where the mentioned information is stored is determined by the so-called
storage, which is an object implementing the interface
. There are two standard implementations,
the first stores data in a session and the second, which is a novelty, in a
cookie. These are classes Nette\Bridges\SecurityHttp\SessionStorage
and CookieStorage
You can choose the storage and configure it very conveniently in the security › authentication configuration.
By default, Nette serializes the identity into a session after the user logs
in and reads it in subsequent requests. You can now control what else happens
when you serialize your identity (sleep) and restore it (wakeup).
It is enough for the authenticator to implement the interface
and it has the ability to
influence this.
As an example, we will show a solution to a common question on how to update identity roles right after restoring from a session:
final class Authenticator implements Nette\Security\Authenticator, Nette\Security\IdentityHandler
public function sleepIdentity(IIdentity $identity): IIdentity
// here you can change the identity before storing after logging in,
// but we don't need that now
return $identity;
public function wakeupIdentity(IIdentity $identity): ?IIdentity
// updating roles in identity
$userId = $identity->getId();
return $identity;
In the method wakeupIdentity()
we pass the current roles to the
identity, eg from the database. It's that easy now.
Of course, in addition to the roles, we can update other information, or
return the entire new identity. You can even return null
if the
user has been banned, for example, to log him out.
And now we return to the cookie-based storage. It allows you to create a website where users can log in without the need to use sessions. So it does not need to write to disk. After all, this is how the website you are now reading works, including the forum. In this case, the implementation of IdentityHandler is a necessity. We will only store a random token representing the logged user in the cookie.
We will add a column authtoken
in the database, in which each
user will have a completely
random, unique and unguessable string of sufficient length (at least
13 characters). The repository CookieStorage
stores only the value
in the cookie, so in
we replace the original identity with a proxy with
in the ID, on the contrary in the method
we restore whole identity from the database
according authtoken:
final class Authenticator implements Nette\Security\Authenticator, Nette\Security\IdentityHandler
public function authenticate(string $username, string $password): SimpleIdentity
$row = $this->db->fetch('SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = ?', $username);
// check password
// we return the identity with all the data from the database
return new SimpleIdentity($row->id, null, (array) $row);
public function sleepIdentity(IIdentity $identity): SimpleIdentity
// we return a proxy identity, where in the ID is authtoken
return new SimpleIdentity($identity->authtoken);
public function wakeupIdentity(IIdentity $identity): ?SimpleIdentity
// replace the proxy identity with a full identity, as in authenticate()
$row = $this->db->fetch('SELECT * FROM user WHERE authtoken = ?', $identity->getId());
return $row
? new SimpleIdentity($row->id, null, (array) $row)
: null;
You can switch the storage in the configuration with
security › authentication › storage: cookie
As mentioned, the interface Nette\Security\UserStorage
completely different from the original IUserStorage
. It is
implemented by the above-mentioned repositories SessionStorage
. Method
also returns this new storage.
However, you can use the configuration to use to the old storage
, which is deprecated and will be removed in
version 4:
security.userStorage: false
The minimum required version is PHP 7.2.
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