PhpGenerator and PSR output

5 years ago by David Grudl  

Do you need to generate beautifully formatted PHP code? The best way is to use the Nette PhpGenerator library, which has a truly understandable API.


$class = (new Nette\PhpGenerator\ClassType('Demo'))

$class->addProperty('id', 1)
	->addComment('@var int');

	->addComment('Returns identifier.')
	->setBody('return $this->id;');

echo $class;

The output follows the coding standard used in Nette, which is identical to PSR-12 except that it uses tabs instead of spaces for indentation and separates the methods with two blank lines for better readability:

final class Demo extends ParentClass
→   /** @var int */
→   private $id = 1;

→   /**
→	* Returns identifier.
→	*/
→   public function getId(): int
→   {
→   →   return $this->id;
→   }

PhpGenerator, however, can generate code completely compliant with PSR-12. How to do it?

The expression echo $class is actually an abbreviation that asks the printer Nette\PhpGenerator\Printer and its method printClass($class) to generate code. And the output from this printer conforms to the Nette standard. So it will be enough to use another renderer, specifically PsrPrinter:

$printer = new Nette\PhpGenerator\PsrPrinter;
echo $printer->printClass($class);


final class Demo extends ParentClass
	/** @var int */
	private $id = 1;

	 * Returns identifier.
	public function getId(): int
		return $this->id;

Using the printer, you can generate code not only for classes, but also for functions (printFunction(), printClosure() and printArrowFunction()), methods (printMethod()), namespaces (printNamespace()), and PHP files (printFile()).